Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome To The Promoting Precision Blog Spot!!!


  1. Well, here it is...LILIES IN OUR VALLEYS!! As promised, here is a blog where we can learn how to encourage, uplift and motivate each other when we encounter valley experiences!! I'll be the first to say that it took me almost two years to truly learn how to embrace valley experiences...and I'll be the first to say that I'm still growing! At the time, all I knew was that I was unemployed, jobless and in a very unproductive marriage....but then, it occurred to me that it was time for me to embrace my valley. Angie got the chance to work on ANGIE!! To see ANGIE! To be able to see all that God had in store for me if I would only change the way I thought...and now when rough times hit, I instantly begin to search for the lilies in my valley...i.e. peace during a storm, learning how to give back and not be selfish, become even more dedicated to my church family, how to serve others and encourage others DESPITE my current circumstance....these are just a, what are your thoughts?

  2. I am facing a valley experience. I want to be able to bear children but at this time I cannot. I guess my lilly in this situation is realizing that God will grant me my desire in His Timing. Itis hard though. We enjoyed your show today and appreciate you telling the listening audience that we have to keep our focus on God. I just hope God hears my prayers-


  3. Tamara your ability to be so transparent is beyond courageous to me. You said it best yourself. God will grant you your desire in His Timing. Your situation sounds synonymous to Sarah's, Abraham's wife. Though Sarah was much older than you (I surmise), she was still able to bear an "Isaac." Having said that, your lily, my dear, is knowing that because God did it for Sarah and this is your desire, He can do it for you...Psalms 37:3-4 "Delight yourself in the Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart... (paraphrased)".....May God Bless You Tremendously...


  4. I had many lily in the valley experiences in my life. Growing up, I had to deal with poverty,homelessness, and financial hardships including trying to find my sense of identity. However, one thing my parents kept consistent in my life was God. Through the midst of my pain, I knew that there had to be a better option and in that moment I found my lily in the valley, which was Jesus. Yes, it is still hard at times and sometimes I get discouraged, but I know that God has not brought me this far to leave me and I am just trusting in Him to lead the way.

    Ebony Archer

  5. Ebony,

    I think this is an awesome testimony and a true testament of how powerful God is. To experience poverty to the point of homelessness is not just third world...and to admit that you had to find your sense of identity is unmistakably courageous.

    Now, here you are, doing well for yourself; a singer, poet, an activist in your own right, an author and the list goes on....that's the purpose of this encourage, to uplift and most importantly, to be real....All too often people don't want to share who they are and what they've experienced due to pride (fear), shame and embarrassment....but not here....we are grateful for your testimony.

  6. Often times, when we encounter mountain top experiences versus valley circumstances, we aren't as dedicated as we should be. For various reasons, when things seem to be going right in our lives, our minds become preoccupied with other day to day events, people and priorities. Inevitably, when our circumstances take a turn for the worse, we quickly run to God (after exhausting all other avenues). While God promises to never leave us nor forsake us (read the entire chapter of Joshua 1--it is absolutely wonderful), God desires for us to have an ongoing relationship with Him. He desires intimacy, consistency and dedication from us.

    While life is full of ups and downs, demands and various pressures, it is imperative to know that God is the only One who can sustain us. He is the only One who can provide us with the peace that we need within to face battles.

    Be strong and be courageous-though we all have slipped and stumbled, God's Grace ALWAYS welcomes us back.....we just have to remain dedicated in building a closer relationship with Him.

    So whether you're currently experiencing a mountain top encounter or a valley encounter, be determined to be dedicated and watch God perform miracles in your life like never before....



  7. Sometimes a valley can represent the state of mind that we are in. There are times when we take inventory of our physical lives & we see that we have everything we need...we have food, clothing, a roof over our head, family, a descent job and even descent health...but if a magnifying glass were held up to our inner being, we would see a valley of despair....unfulfillment, loneliness, unforgiveness, hurt, discouragement and even confusion..... We would see a wide array of emotions that are mostly centered around FEAR....fear is the birthing grounds for pride, arrogance, covetous thoughts, discontentment, over competitive behavior and overall an unrest.

    Nevertheless, it is in the same place, the valley, where if we could muster up an ounce of hope, that we soon discover a lily that's peaking through the cracks of gravel & debris....His Name is Jesus

  8. So if we are to truly learn how to embrace a seeming valley experience, we are to first rely on our Lily, Our Savior, Jesus is He that will show us how to appreciate the valley encounter so we can value the real mountain top experience...

  9. Today on the radio we talked about remaining determined...There is something that lies within the very essences of all of our souls that's called determination.

    Ever been in a not so good mood? Ever had a reason to not be in a good mood and then have NO REASON AT ALL to be in a not so good mood? Well, I have found that concentrating on things that are of a good report helps takes us out the seeming 'funk' that we're in. Additionally, taking an inventory of who's around us can sometimes impact our an assessment of your support system...are there negative friends and family around you? Are there negative influences that have too much control in your life? If there are, get rid of them!!

    Know the difference between negative influences and people who genuinely love you and are perhaps giving you needed constructive criticism.

    Make a decision today to change your can do that by changing your mind...and when you change your mind, you'll soon discover that you are a wonderfully made determined creation that God has designed.

  10. Thank you so very much for tuning in.

    While driving in the car today to a meeting, the Holy Spirit reiterated the fact that our works do not qualify us nor does our performance grant us the unmerited favor that God bestows upon matter how many times we've messed up AND no matter how many times we've gone to church, God wants us to know that we are His Children, we ARE righteous and He wants to be our provider....nothing in our works will ever allow us to deserve His Love...He loves us unconditionally & it has nothing to do with our works nor our fact, in our weaknesses (valley experiences), He is strong....Trust Him & He'll be ever close to us....
